
Filled butter cake with apricots

Filled butter cake with apricots
CA. 10 pieces | preparation: ca. 15 min | oven: 15-20 min


250 g flour + extra
175 g caster sugar
225 g cold butter + butter for greasing
100 g dried soaked apricots
50 g sliced almonds
2 tbsp ginger syrup
1 tbsp milk


Preheat the oven to 200 ° c. Mix the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Cut the butter into pieces, scoop them through the flour mixture and cut them with two knives small. Knead everything with a cool hand to a cohesive ball of dough (can also in the food processor).
Cut the apricots finely and mix them in a bowl with the almonds and ginger syrup.

Grease a boterkoek form with butter, press half of dough in it and divide the apricot mixture over it. Roll the rest of the dough out onto a floured work surface to a piece the size of the form and

place it on the stuffing. Press the edges firmly.
Trek with the blunt side of a knife a diamond pattern in the dough and brush with the milk. Bake the butter cake in the oven in 15-20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.
Take the butter cake from the oven, let it cool in the form and cut it just before serving in dots.