
Apple Tomato Puddings

Apple Tomato Puddings
For four Pieces

I 4 dl tomato Juice
15 grams gelatin
2.1/2 dl Water
1 tablespoon Worcester sauce
1 teaspoon salt
Some pepper
1 Hand Apple
60 grams of lean ham to one piece, for garnish.
Some lettuce leaves.


Let the gelatin soak 6 to 8 minutes in the water and loosen them on a soft fire, do not let them cook.

Pour into the tomato juice and stir well.

Put the Worcester sauce the pepper, and salt at and stir occasionally until the masses begin to stiffen.

Peel and drill the apples, cut them and also the ham into small cubes and scoop them evenly through the tomato juice.

Fill the shapes, the stuffing may no longer be bagged and let it solidify further.

Serving: Turn the puddings, to on a bed of washed well-dried lettuce leaves.