
Strawberry Flan Recipe

Strawberry Flan Recipe
For 6 to 8 portions

for dough:

100 gram flour
75 gram hard butter
60 gram caster sugar
1.1/4 dl Water
2 medium-sized eggs
1 egg yolk
Some salt.

For the pastry cream:

15 grams flour
1.1/2 dl Milk
30 grams sugar
30 grams butter,
1 egg
1 packet of vanilla sugar or a few drops of essence
1.1/2 dl whipped cream

For the flruit filling:

450 grams of fresh strawberries
1.1/2 dl water
2 teaspoons potato flour
60 grams sugar
Juice and zest of 1 lemon (use possibly 1/2 1 canned strawberries-flan filling).


put the sifted flour and all the other dough ingredients in a bowl and chop the butter into it finely. Knead the dough quickly into a ball, roll it out, slightly larger than the shape.

Greased shape with it, press the edges firmly, and here and there in soil. Bake the flan. See if the edges do not collapse (then press them as dough but not yet brown).

Stir the flour smoothly with cold milk; Melt the butter, make the diluted flour and let it be stirred and thickened. Let it boil through a bit.

From the heat, stir the sugar, stirring the egg. Warm up for a few minutes, stir and let cool vanilla sugar; avoid sheet formation. When the mass is cooled then stiff  whipped cream through it.

Peel the washed lemon, let the rind with the water and half the sugar for some time. Mix the potato flour with the lemon juice.

Sprinkle the washed strawberries with the remaining sugar. Mix The lemon sugar mixture with the diluted potato flour, scoop the strawberries through.

5. Cover the bottom of the cooled flan with the cold cream and the strawberry filling.

Oven: Moderate to 160 degrees, gas 3-4. Place in the middle.

Main kitchenware: flan shape 20 cm, pan.

Preparation: 25 minutes.

Preparation time: 25 minutes to 30 minutes.